Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Current Sauce

The Current Sauce is the organization that I have been the most involved with since entering Northwestern in the Fall of 2007. At first, I was trying to find a job somewhere on campus that would allow me to take pictures. I did find that job. I still work with my journalism job quite often, but now I have something else to do as well. The Current Sauce has become something that provides hours of work, fun and, at the end, a sense of achievement. I started out in the Fall taking photos as a photographer for both the yearbook and the newspaper, but as the semester went on began covering events mainly for the paper. I have nothing against the yearbook and suggest that any new students coming in taking pictures take for both organizations, but I just liked the setup of the paper better than that of the yearbook. I liked the sense of achievement at the end of each week. In the Spring of this year, I became the Photo Editor of the paper. It changed my job by adding the responsibility of finding people to take pictures, cover events and reminding them to turn in the pictures. I am glad that in Fall 2008 I will assume a new role that I will talk about during a later post, but I do like the experience I was able to gain this semester. I feel as if I am rambling, but it doesn't matter because it is a blog. It is also important to point out that the other editors of the paper also made my job much easier by tracking down photographers themselves or in some cases even covering the event by themselves. I thought I would enter college and have trouble finding a way to become involved in publications or student media since I was not a journalism major, but I did not. I encourage people from all majors to consider joining a student media organization for at least one semester in some capacity. The people that you meet will help you in more ways than you can imagine, and the staff that you will be a part of will provide friendship, knowledge and memories that will last a lifetime.


Anonymous said...

Excellent perpective and advice!

Anonymous said...

Should be "perspective".